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God loves Geneva and He wants His children to experience His love. Our desire is that every individual would know of His love, be reconciled with God the Father and grow in the knowledge of Him and of His Word. This is why we want to know God and make Him known in Geneva. We believe that everything depends on our proximity to God. It is from our intimacy with Him that we will bear fruit in our lives and in our work. Before we can make Him known, we have to know Him for ourselves. And the more we know Him, the more we will be willing to share who He is to those around us.


Because of the presence of powerful organizations such as the United Nations, business enterprises, NGO’s, or branches such as the WHO, no city in the world has as much influence as Geneva. With more than 50% of the population hailing from around the world, Geneva is truly an international city and boasts an exceptional heritage left by an exceptional man: John Calvin.

He and his partners in the Reformation believed that putting into practice Biblical principles could transform a nation. They preached the Word each day to the people of Geneva, and thus began the reformation whose fruits are still visible today in many nations. Geneva had such an influence in the world that it was called “The protestant Rome”.


We believe God has called Geneva to teach the nations. We want to join local Christians to bring transformation to the city that will spread to the entire world. That is why we want to see a community of YWAMers in Geneva who are active in all the spheres of society; to train and multiply disciples in the light of the Word of God.



We believe that the Bible is inspired by God, and that it is still relevant for today’s world. At the time of the Reformation, the Word was preached and taught every day, and we can still see the fruits of that teaching today. This is why we want to provide the opportunity for as many people as possible to study the Word, whether it is by doing our School of Biblical Studies (SBS), or through our ministries and seminars.


To carry His cross is to carry a message of hope: Jesus came to free us and to take our sins. When he accepted to die on a cross, He opened a way for us to be reconciled with God the Father.
To carry His cross is also to follow Him wherever He goes, and to be ready to give our lives for our neighbor.


We believe that the Spirit of God lives within us, and that we should see the same miracles that were done in Jesus’ life done in ours. Jesus even told His disciples that “they would do even greater things than He did”. The presence of God living within us should be seen, and should be manifested in our everyday lives.


If you would like to join us for our work in Geneva, send us a message using the contact form, and we will get back to you shortly!
You can get involved for a few hours, a few days, or a few years if God calls you to do so.
If God has put a project or a dream on your heart for Geneva and for the nations, please tell us about it!

3 + 14 =

YWAM International is a movement of Christians from many backgrounds, cultures and traditions, dedicated to serving Jesus throughout the world.

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